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The Spice Is Right: How To Boil Crawfish Like A Pro


A basket of crawfish, sausage, and corn.
Crawfish Boil: The Spice Is Right

The Spice is Right: How to Boil Crawfish Like a Pro


(00:00) welcome to Tigs Bits and oh man is this a fun episode we talk about Boiling Crawfish definitely one of my well it's one of our favorite things to do on this planet we break down different cooking techniques different equipment that is used and some very important dues and some extremely important don'ts in fact we give away one of those adults in the in in the early parts of this show so hang around and listen to that look don't forget to subscribe or follow the channel leave a comment about some of

(00:35) your favorite techniques tell us some of the ways that you like to boil your crawfish give this video a thumbs up if you're watching it on YouTube if you're listening to it on Apple podcast or Spotify give it a review and don't forget to follow so look let's get spicy let's get into this [Music] we're having a crawfish boil at my house Saturday all all are invited you know come come on if you would like we'll be getting in it I'm cooking four sacks so yes sir God that's so good hey I got to

(01:12) go to my first crawfish bowl last weekend at our friend um uh Josh Grice down in Orange Beach he had one he's uh oh nice he's from um down there but his wife is from Houma and he's been around these guys and stuff long enough he knows what he's doing and man he nailed it I think we did two sacks um it was a small little group of man it was killer oh my gosh I mean he does that after the end we'll do the boiled peanuts and we did pickles and we do oh a pineapple you do boiled boiled boiled

(01:42) peanuts in the in the crap in the crab boil yes and then uh also he parboils eggs and then he puts them in there to finish them off um well yeah it was it was good but um yeah down here at home I know tomorrow we've got a fish fry down at the pizzolados uh which is I I can't wait you know I'm all over that and then Friday Good Friday is always a crawfish boil and our friend Sid and mix um but also cherise's family is going to do one I think the same day so I may even double dip I may go early to one oh

(02:13) yeah you know go to the other way because I can't get enough you know I waited long enough I'm about to go catching up I'm about to catch up and uh dude I haven't had any yet this Saturday will be the I've had none so this is the kickoff of crawfish season for me I only cook them when they're cheap right yeah I'm not overpaying either and I'm not going somewhere and I'm not going somewhere that I'm questioning the boil either I'm not going somewhere no it's nothing worse yeah yeah I'm not that's

(02:40) not done right or you know one of my biggest pet peeves is like uh seasoning on the outside of the shell I do not do seasonings inside the shell I'm always like if you start that ladies and gentlemen and I know I know the man's married to a girl from Louisiana but this man is from Alabama and he knows that is not the way you eat crawfish period y'all stop that it's I don't understand I'm like and the worst is if you don't put seasoning in the bowl and then you try to put it on that's the

(03:09) ultimate second is if you boil them right and then at the end you just at the end they put the season I'm like what just to make just to get my hands dirty and I got to use three more rolls of paper towels just I'll just keep the garbage off you screwed up let's just eat let's just eat what we have yeah yeah we use uh we use a ball boss product they sent me through our Instagram deal they they reached out to me and sent me a ball boss uh ring that you put on there to cool them to let them soak oh yeah yeah

(03:38) yeah you've been using that and man I need one of those and they have the Kick-Ass paddle that has the uh thermometer through the paddle so at the bottom so you stick the pack yes I can't why did we not invent that you know what I mean why did we oh that's brilliant you know so you stick the paddle down in at the end it's got the round thing tells you boiling point soaking Point blah blah temperature stuff it's come on yeah man so really so I'm spoiled and my buddy's down here in Louisiana the same

(04:05) way they don't even have none of that but they know it's always perfect so I just can't go to any Crawfish Boil I'm just not gonna and I'll go only to restaurants that I know we're gonna do them right you know I mean if I walk up on which are which are which are few and far between yes honestly there are not that many places especially the the further east you get of even Baton Rouge yeah Houma were good yeah pretty much done anywhere but Houma I don't even get them in Gulf Shores you know what I mean

(04:33) I'm not I'm gonna get them at grice's house or somebody's house but not at the restaurant you can go any anywhere in Houma and they'll they'll be good anywhere you go yeah I mean Louisiana I mean you're you're dialed in over there but like over in Florida I mean I take it seriously that's my favorite yeah you need to cook I mean crawfish like I I spend more energy and effort in perfecting crawfish probably than I mean State you know Boston butt ribs you know anything right but Stinky's in Santa

(05:03) Rosa Beach uh Jim Rashard dude like when it comes to a restaurant doing crawfish anytime I hear that he's doing crawfish I'm I'm there and dude it is money because he could cook it for the Masters and he Nails it like that's probably the best restaurant in 100 miles that I can say to go and get really good crawfish oh that's a fact uh he did well whenever I lived there you know 10 10 plus years ago yeah whenever he first started that was one of the only places there was another place too I don't think they're

(05:33) still open but that was one of only a handful just a couple of places Stinky's Fish Camp a million percent can boil them they're they're right right they do they do them right we have straight up full-on contest won this bad boy here a couple years ago that's awesome thank you he ought to just hang out back there for the rest of the show that's my favorite thing to do on this planet is a crawfish bowl like period like if you had to rate like like if I was about if I was on death row and they were like your last wish can we do

(06:11) a crawfish boil please yes it is basically the best thing that there is what blacie what's your what's your components that make the perfect crawfish boil when when you show up I mean as far as like the vegetable content do you like the sauce what kind of sauce what do you need crackers hot sauce a lot of people out there listening to podcast mayor might know what we're talking about if you're listening from far out of the South or somewhere that you know has heard but doesn't necessarily know so this might

(06:37) be cool uh like behind the curtain thing on what we're talking about here because podcast or crawfish are a serious business in Louisiana and along the Gulf Coast and outside of there it spreads but you can get them anywhere so this could be something you want to do a theme something you want to have a Louisiana party in Wisconsin because it's cold you want to do something crazy this might be a deal you can do and there's ways to get this stuff happening um and that you know maybe our newest sponsor we're going to get Rouses to

(07:04) come on and uh we figure out a way to send you some for me I mean it really starts like I'm a big advocate of swamp fire I've been using it for years and it's one of the bases now over the years um I've altered it slightly so I'll use partial swamp fire and I'll use a little bit more salt induced seasoning and get something and kind of blend that in and I'll also come with a little liquid heat right so that's that's from a temperature and a flavor standpoint from the raw materials you know so that's

(07:37) liquid heat Crab Boil stuff yeah any type of a liquid Crab Boil I'll I'll bring that in concentrate zatarin's Pro Bowl right I'll use a majority still of swamp fire because I love the flavoring the Deep Red flavor I know Brantley doesn't like that the fact that they turn the Crawfish a deeper red he likes the brighter red crawfish but I mean and I remember this and I'm picky okay and I don't sacrifice um appearance over flavor so that's the difference between Brantley and I so but

(08:11) then I mean we keep diving into that I mean obviously we're going to keep going with more flavors I use a lot of lemon juice I use lemon oil I use a ton of gar a ton of garlic I mean garlic just kind of just where it's at and it's goodness right I mean plenty of those purple onions coming in there let everybody know that we're we're talking about whole garlic cloves you're not you can even leave it in the sack you can leave the whole sack of absolutely you can just throw the whole thing is toss it in

(08:44) I'm kind of picky I don't want to get the little things on me but I usually end up taking them and just having nothing but whole garlic cloves that I use you know just for those shells so I'm not oh some of those but you can you can go either that's not that's not a killer butter butter gotta have the butter in there you know I mean like I mean the key is right we want to cook them good we want to flavor them good but we want them to pop out of those shells well that's my heal ability

(09:13) is huge my things are yeah you want them to if they're not coming out of there properly I'm aggravated you know I gotta pull everyone apart like that last of the bag of pistachios that breaks your fingernail trying to get them open I am pissed I am I'm not going to eat deers one pound enough it's one no you can't do that it's one simple damn move you twist you separate you put it in your mouth and if it doesn't pull out you don't need to peel if you go down in and do all that it's like

(09:47) yeah no it's the world no it just slides right out if it does anything else they're absolute trash including my own God knows I've made some batches where oh yeah I just yeah I just will throw them over the fence I won't let people eat them I'm glad I'm not the only one because I know some people know I got mad walked away from the table and just been done like I guess it's over with I've got hot dogs peelability is huge juice in the head yes you got to suck ahead I'm in every

(10:21) two or three head sucker yeah to me that's that ice hit you really gotta come Hammer home with that ice at the end to kill that bull and drive that juice into those heads you know yeah and so now you've got a properly flavored crawfish you've got a tail it's gonna peel out of there and you've got a juicy head do you mess with the big claws it's the ones that are big enough with the call like a big I don't mess with a lot of claws but I see a nice fine little guy coming in there you know I mean like

(10:53) serious nature like I've seen him fight me the whole day every time I reach in there yeah yeah I mean nobody showed me the trick where you kind of bite that break and then you pull I mean it's not hard once you know the little trick it's a nice it can be a nice little bite yeah all right making sure yeah y'all ever got so pissed off at a crawfish that just kept biting you as you were cleaning them that you put that that you put a rubber band on that damn thing so you you knew exactly which that son of a

(11:21) [ __ ] was so you could eat him because I have I've done that I mean yeah I did I'm coming for you I'm coming for you and I came boring I've never done that extremes extremes you know but I do remember times where I've had that one that one crawfish that kept bite me but I didn't think to grab a rubber band and just I didn't time up like a lobster I'm trying to get a dead one out I'm trying to get the one dead one out and that one won't let me he's all defending his dead

(11:51) friend I'm like let me just get him out yeah he's got those big old monster claws usually old two two claw got that and then he's broke arm but he has that one giant arm you know what you're getting a rubber band I'm gonna enjoy every little bite of you yeah you were saying that you know you were going down to that per the perfect crawfish but then yeah you know there's a million variations and that's how somehow sometimes people can get offended when you do something crazy and early in a

(12:18) boil you know there's multiple layers at the end of the ball you can get creative but early in if someone starts throwing a bunch of oranges in there or a bunch of something random early in the bowl that's where you can really get that's where a possible altercation can happen um super sideways yeah oh for sure but the stage usually is you're going to do a batch of some kind of sausage and vegetables before your first bowl of fit of office correct Lacey well now so so I'm I'm a little bit more

(12:50) of a traditionalist where I like to yes and no let me let me say that so I like for that first throw like I want everything to come on the table I don't do all my veggies and all my other stuff separate bring them out and then and then do them first and then do the Crawfish I usually do it all together so there's a process as we add those in right so we're getting the so I'm getting all my seasonings and getting all my juices in there I'm getting my butter in there I'm getting everything

(13:17) that I want to make sure I've got a good flavor and then I'm going in with potatoes I'm going in you know obviously I've already I've got my onions going in there I've got all my flavoring my garlic and all that and then as I add the Crawfish I typically add in whatever I'm adding like mushrooms now I do a pineapple and it's all for appearance and at the very end it's like a sweet heat dessert you know so it goes in there to start soaking up and I take a screwdriver and I stab it around a bunch

(13:45) so early in the morning drive I do that early in the bowl and then I'll usually boil it twice minimum before it comes out before we start cutting it up I'm gonna let it go early and often just to soak in the juices it's not adding flavor to the Crawfish or anything like that so it's early for me and then that's good to know because Christ did the opposite last week he peeled the pineapple put it late in the bowl the last thing after that we did was the boiled peanuts and they had a definite sweet thick sweet taste I bet

(14:17) they did but he he had done it that way without poking holes a whole pineapple and it just didn't do anything because it had no way to penetrate that hard shell so this time he just basically carved the outside left the top on dropped it in there and it takes a while for a pineapple for it to drive through there and so that's a way to circumstance I've never done that yeah and then when we put the last thing would be the batch of four peanuts and then they had a definite sweet flavor and that had to be from that

(14:48) because there was nothing else that nothing else happens that would make them good were they good or was it I mean I love well I could eat more peanuts every day or a million flowers so I mean it was good to me it was different I wouldn't want to do it every time but yeah it's good every other couple yeah it was fine the pineapple was good yeah you know yeah that's freaking brilliant I've heard of people doing chickens boiling chickens and all kinds of other stuff yeah wow they're poking holes in a can

(15:20) of Olives I know people have done that asparagus same thing cannabisparagus asparagus yeah we've done asparagus we've done uh brussels sprouts yup yup brussels sprouts are fantastic really and honestly I'm not a huge brussels sprouts person at all but I will eat the hell out of them when they're done in in a crab boil they get real tender and they're you know I did brussels sprouts last time because the people that I went to at their house I was like they wanted brussels sprouts but let's let's do it

(15:47) you know I mean there's really no limits when things like that they're not vegetable oil it's like not at all no you know like does your pineapple could early on that's what I was going to say but it's more of an absorption than it is a release flavor for me it's more of and it's it's a dessert we get done I've rolled it if I've done two or three rolls I keep throwing it in there and I keep I've got it poked and then we slice it up and it's the sweet heat dessert

(16:13) and it's like a Murphy finish until we take that cheese juice and then we add vodka to it and we do vodka crawfish shots and that is the ultimate oh my God now we're talking so you take some head juice some vodka and that sweet pineapple juice combine it into a shot I thought we just take this juice right out of the right out of the pot oh well just right out of the pot it's a crawfish you're doing a [ __ ] it's just a straight crawfish you've you've been adding and adding in that because

(16:52) you know each roll we're gonna keep adding we're going to keep adding that spice to it and at the end you got something that's murky and dark and creepy see that's the opposite of the bull boss um when we use the bull boss process we don't add any seasoning between bowls we it's you believe that we season it at the front end and then it's seasoned only coming from what we add to it um because you're not adding any more nothing about I know I don't add water but I don't know nothing about the bowl

(17:21) boss yeah it's basically the ball the boy Boss It's Gonna fit into the way that I cook I I'm familiar with how I'm one of those that I get the I bring my crawfish the water to a boil get the crawfish boiling shut it off let them soak I am a I'm an icer I'm an icer everybody was this the yeah that eliminates the icing I've gotten to where I just hose it down yes explain that explain this thing yes we need some bull ball stuff um but I want to say before we go to that is the other option is the freeze your old boil

(18:00) into blocks and then re-add your old boil you know that one where you freeze your boils what yes that crazy occasion does that so so you're not adding just ice you're not adding just water and then new season you're adding your old old boil you take your old bowl and put it in freezer bags or in containers and freeze it and jugs that's a high commitment instead of ice level I'm never my mind is freaking blown I've never even thought about that wow and blazing glacial chip some off and put it in his

(18:31) body damn it I'm gonna be doing that now now this is going to take up all the freezer space that I have because I'm a million I have to do this now it's the only way I never even needed to hear about this that's what we're here for and we're here for everybody out there listening to tiggs bits no matter what state you're in what country you're in what age you are this is uh this is things that just random things you need to know and talk about and and you'll get an education every time and you

(19:00) hopefully you get a laugh too but it's things like that you know you and I don't meet I never have to bring it up around you guys blacie doesn't remember to tell you you would have never known and that's how things that's how it's like the Ancients it's basically we're writing Scrolls here boys we're doing cave art it's modern day cave it's a million percent what we're doing trying to make sure the spoken word and these nuances on information are passed down from generation to generation properly I

(19:26) still need to understand how this bull boss works I got you yep okay sorry so bull balls process is a ring and so it's you remember the you remember the the trial the uh PVC trough that you used to have they hooked up to a water hose to drink water out of when you're in high school and middle school and stuff y'all remember those it's basically that but it goes around your it's like that but it goes around your your your uh round pot it's got hooks on it on the top it's all made of high-end PVC and you know

(19:55) Parts like that you hook it to your to your top of your um your round pot it comes down a few inches it's got the holes are all pointing into the pot you hook it to the water hose you turn it on it brings the temperature Down super fast without adding anything you put the paddle in there and you know when you're working them ever so often you put the paddle in and the paddle's got the temperature to shoot you down and tell you where you need to where you want to keep them and they're they're pretty spot-on but

(20:24) you're just adding tap water yep I mean you're not adding ice no just on a sudden drop which I'm I'm a big believer in I'm a big believer in a sudden shock right well I don't know but it's still working yeah I bet if you put the paddle in there and check the temps that ice is gonna it's not gonna be that much of a difference I don't know that if we could figure it out but I doubt it is because it goes down about as quick as when we do it we because everybody did Ice before they sent me this thing you know

(20:54) what I mean that's what we did up until three years ago and and we haven't used how long do you keep it on you just you just watch the temperature just to get in in order to the soap temperature and you just don't get it to the soak spot and that or just by you know if you've done repetition you know you kind of just know but uh yeah you watch that you watch that we had some people from um some of um some of Josh's wife's cousins that were from here in south Louisiana they were in town visiting

(21:20) um the beach and um they had never seen it either so we were we were talking about it with them and um yeah they were like yep makes we were all same thing why did we not put a thermometer in a paddle a 20. I've never measured temperature I look for boil I know what a boil looks like yeah I know as soon as it starts to boil well we must be where I shut it off and then I hit it with a you know about a sack and a half of ice just to kill it as fast as I can and then soak for 30 typically and you'll see this thing you'll see this thing

(21:52) when you when you hook it on we do the regular bulge as normal we don't have it on to start with we're just doing our normal bowl we know it's boiled we get to where we like it boiled then we put the ring on we're ready to kill it we put the ring on WE crank it on this thing nice and yep and it and when you stick your hand and feel the water coming into this steam coming off it is it is lower than that temp fast you can watch the you can watch the temperature drop as you're doing it it I wouldn't

(22:15) say I mean I'd be interested to know how fast in comparison to ice it does drop the temperature because it seems like this is a lot of the heat being held in the in the pot you got to think the pot's hot as you fail that's what's whole because the fire is hitting the pot to warm up the water right this water or this water coming off the ring is hitting directly that pot all equally around and coming straight down you stick your hand and feel the water that's coming off it's hot you know what

(22:41) I mean it's yeah and it's steaming but yeah the the same principle just yeah the pro to it is though you don't have to adjust you don't have to do anything to your water the whole time we're just dumping a fish on the thing putting it back in the pot putting stuff in it ain't no you know we do we spice it up some we'll do something from a different part we actually use this Pastime we used our normal seasoning in conjunction with bull boss uh dry uh bag season they've got their own product out now

(23:07) which we'll talk about more on future podcasts I'm sure um oh yeah but we used it this past time and it was it was it was legit we we had good results and um we added some to certain ones if we want to kick up here and there you know after we check a bowl and stuff but um he does kind of a different than you do Lacy uh we do uh the first round we'll have onions sausage garlic you know some things like that to kick it off carrots maybe something like that to kick it off nothing that's going to

(23:37) add a lot of flavor to it but some with the sausage that you know we use Kaneka you know or and Dewey uh this past time we used deer we we actually had some venison uh sausage we put in there early one of the early rounds and then the onions and garlic which you got to have plenty of garlic like you mentioned earlier and then after that we'll go for our first round of crawfish we'll do one or two of those dump them then we'll go back in and start doing some extracurricular stuff and on those on those cool on those down

(24:06) um when we're bringing the temperature down on the on the uh to soak um a lot of times that's when we'll throw in frozen corn on the cob we'll do oh the first first round also forgot to mention our first round is potatoes a lot of potatoes early on new potatoes small new potatoes earlier on and I left sausage out earlier I always put sausage but I do it later I don't do it early so I just get dried out and too hot and too freaky but I definitely need to use sausage I mean that's yeah that's the

(24:33) staple yeah yeah we kind of use that as a lever like you're using some of the butter and stuff because we don't do butter in it that's kind of oil we're using some of that oil content yep um same thing yeah and then the um but then like I said we'll use the Frozen some certain Frozen things from the freezer like the corn on the cob and things like that to assist with the ball boss cool down process and that way they come out with the fish and things like that right that's what's going to soak

(25:00) up a lot of the heat so a lot of times after we've done a round of corn and we might add a little more seasoning because the corn is going to take a light it soaks up a lot of seasoning you know it does soak up a lot um but it's just too you know like you said there's a million variations there there's a there's a there are definitely a couple of no-nos and don't Do's uh which one number one pet peeve of mine is is is putting um seasoning on the outside of the shell that's like no it's like

(25:26) taking the hey pigs you'll get this that's like taking the knife out of the king cake box every time you're like where's the knife where's the knife who took it out of the damn box there's there's three quarters of a king okay why is there not a knife still in here you know what I mean exactly and and it's just like adding I mean you you you got a prime rib eye and you're adding A1 steak sauce it's just like what are we doing here this is this is silly yeah yeah yeah at

(25:53) the end of the day with a crawfish the objective is it's one you want to cook the Crawfish meat properly you don't want to overcook it which is the biggest mistake ever like Brantley and I agree on that as soon as I hit the ball I mean even sometimes later in the season if I get into a June or July boil I may go a minute or two at a boil but nothing past that typically when I hit the bowl I'm shutting her down yup I'm icing it I'm killing it so you don't want to overcook the meat you want to make sure you're

(26:20) doing something to make sure that tail comes out of that shell well and you want to make sure you're doing something to drive that juice into those heads and obviously having good flavor I mean and that's it I mean and it sounds simple but like you can screw that up really quick and you can have mush tail you can have meat sticking you can have dry heads and no juice I mean you know you could screw all that up really like really cool you could screw the whole thing up to start with not preparing and

(26:47) prepping properly let half of them die and you got a bunch of straight your crawfish are all straight like this yeah the heads mush the Tails mush you're like and then they mush on everything else you can ruin you can do a lot you can make a lot of mistake or sit there and drown them thinking you're doing right not taking the plug out and drown them and let them all die you know the best thing if you guys that is a million percent correct and that's what begins for me that process starts for me on Friday

(27:16) crawfish will be delivered on Friday not boiling until Saturday afternoon so the the main job got to keep them damn things alive you want to keep them rotating make sure they don't get soaked in too much water but then that's where this bad boy comes into play on Saturday this is my game day this is the best thing I ever invested in right here for crawfish it's a crawfish washer it washes them it'll actually wash them you know out and you've been we've done crawfish boils blasey we used to would use a cooler and a

(27:55) paddle stir them up let the water run out you know run multiple cycles of water through the same through that this thing does the exact same thing except you just dump a sack in there and you fill it up with water you put your hose on one end you you plug up the other and it just sprays water on them and it keeps them rotating it has this uh it has this thing oh wow you've actually got a thing that turns of the spray Moon it doesn't turn but it has so much it has so much spray it it has so much pressure it keeps them

(28:34) constantly stirring so it cleans them impeccably you can't do it by hand any better than that thing can do it's like 65 or something like that best thing I ever bought for crawfish next to this boil boss which will which will completely solve all of my issues with everything that I do and I'll look cool doing it so uh you know yeah and I'm down I'm down with the ball boss but it doesn't take away so I'm a traditional table guy like I know they've got all these fancy tables they've got them with the way you can

(29:10) set them into a garbage can in the middle and all these little trays but like dude I love nothing more than I love when I get that bowl ready and I get that pot ready then to dump out a table full of crawfish and have people around it I'm a big traditionalist in that standpoint so all these gadgets for that I'm I'm down with they're cool and if you want to use them fine but I love a good table spread and like laying them out from a presentation standpoint it doesn't get any better I get to set my

(29:40) pineapple right there in the middle of it you know what I mean and it's like there it is there it is but with the bull boss he's just helping you in that whole process of which is in the goal of cooling them down and cooking so so I'm totally down with that yeah and then we use a different setup for even now we've done everything over the years but what we found Works lately we have a garbage can with a top that goes on it the garbage cans in the middle it's got four trays on outside it makes a table Yeah

(30:07) four sides got holes for your dip which is another thing we hadn't discussed dip um I didn't really know about dip till I moved to Louisiana and dip is important uh it's it's a I don't you might could take better on what dip actually is there's variations on that with different stuff I mentioned earlier using some of the the I've even known people that will bake garlic in the oven and with seasonings olive oil and Tony's on it and then take those before you even start the boil then use those to

(30:37) mash in to make the dip oh wow yeah I mean not huge Dippers at the Salter household I mean I mean we we dip but we go see down here down here you're gonna have a tub everybody you're gonna have a little canisters oh yes I mean everybody's gonna have a different dip I like to use remoulade like Louisiana just straight up bring me lots rummy lot sauce my all-time favorite okay there you are knows my all-time favorite restaurant in New Orleans we can have a whole podcast about that at some point oh well we should just do it

(31:09) after we have a meal there yes we can do that too before before and and after yes I like that everybody listening y'all will uh head over to check it out I will have a YouTube tutorial of walking you through a crawfish boil everything that we just talked about it's a lot of stuff we're throwing a lot of ideas we're laughing and having fun talking about it but at the end of the day there are some do's and don'ts like JR says and I'll walk you through those I'll be happy to make a little video in

(31:42) fact I'll start filming that this weekend as I do it and uh and I think that that I think that's important because we take it for granted living down where we do living in the South living in I live in Louisiana you're married to a Cajun lady you know so we take it for granted that it how it's done but not everybody in Alabama in Florida knows how to boil crawfish and and do them right and no Texas or Arkansas or Missouri exactly exactly so it's uh you know I think that it's something that that can

(32:17) be learned and can be a lot of fun as you said earlier there are a lot of ways that you can get crawfish to your parties and stuff like that I have friends that are in North Carolina they have Louisiana ties but they want to have crawfish boils it's not a cheap way to get stuff in there but you can still do it you can get a couple of sacks mailed to you and get some live crawfish especially after Easter that would be the biggest takeaway is you're going to pay out of your butt to get them before Easter but middle of April until pretty

(32:49) much until the end of May you can get crawfish anywhere in the United States shipped to you from this wonderful State the state of Louisiana right to your door and you can do everything that we've just talked about and more and you talk about impress some people you start having crawfish boils people had never had it I mean it's a it's a whole new game changer it's a game and it's so freaking good they're so good I mean it's not just a party it's not just a little mud bug that you're eating there's something

(33:23) about it that's the flavor of them you don't get that anywhere else they're just delicious think shrimp the best shrimp you ever had the best boiled shrimp you ever had times 10 and that's a crawfish yep yep and all the seasonings and the flavor and the salt is so good I mean especially this time of the year you're starting to have some summertime drinks having people you're moving around it's just it's just good for you're getting over being sick from the winter and stuff it's just man

(33:52) I needed it I feel like my sinuses and allergies were crap until they oh yeah it just opens you up it's like it's like a pressure for life you know yeah like yeah it brings you in and Jr to your point on the dip so a good room a lot sauce or something for those that like them I always have that available I have something there like yeah everybody's got I mean I'm more of a traditionalist I'm just I'm just seeing down here you know more of the mayonnaise um ketchup it's almost not a thousand I

(34:18) don't even know really but it but it's a mayonnaise-based type thing Worcestershire sauce mayonnaise and ketchup that's it thousand dollars minus relish yeah it's cane sauce yeah yeah because you and I'm big on like I'll take and I liked having Saltines around for anything I love Saltines in general I do the uh salted tops these days so I hope I don't get diabetes um but I take I take my sauce I like my sauce with my potatoes I like to dip my potato and get me yeah oh yeah I like my

(34:50) sausage I like to hit my sausage with that sauce don't sleep on dipping that sausage in there oh my God the saltine though hit the sausage with the dip and then a Saltine afterwards and then maybe maybe one maybe even maybe even squish you out one of those garlics on top of the cracker that you're gonna get a big old blast of garlic on the back end of that sausage I just I'll just hit those bellies by themselves that's so good oh yeah I like making everything about it you know little castles of crackers with my

(35:20) little stuff I'm weird it's nothing but goodness hey I'll tell you this I was in Tampa I was living in Tampa for about a year and a half and uh obviously I love to do crawfish and I was in a fantasy football league and I was having a pretty good season and I was playing with some guys down there in the neighborhood I was living in and coming down the championship game and I told him listen if I win the championship I'm going to pay for a crawfish boil I'm going to fly crawfish in and I'm this is what we're going to

(35:46) do sure enough I won the championship I won like 500 bucks and it cost a little bit to fly crawfish in Southwest you know so uh if I did it but true to my word I found an outlet this was 2011 and I found an outlet they would ship them to me and I was so excited it was a Friday afternoon I'm driving to the airport I'm so excited I've got my son with him back we're just itching we're getting close to the airport I'm fixing to get my crawfish I mean it's like this is supposed to be I only got two sacks

(36:18) coming in then I rear end a Porsche wow I just Hammer him dude like and the guy was mad it was it was like a collector's item Porsche and he was just out chest driving it had been reworking it doing some stuff on it I felt terrible but I was like I apologize you know like they all took off I hit him whatever dude I've got to go pick these crawfish up you know I mean like here's everything here's my information I'll pay for this later so we make it the airport we get crawfish long story short is dude we end

(36:46) up having a crawfish boil people's never even eaten crawfish you know like from all over that live nearby and Eric are all in that league and dude they absolutely were just blown away like when we got done with everybody like that's that might be the greatest situation I've ever that that you know yep dealt with it was phenomenal you know like they just they were totally blown away with it so they go perfect with cold crawfish it just you know just goodness good times good food you know Gathering it just it

(37:22) encompasses everything you know just about a good really does a good situation I get I get super excited you know as you can tell so the fine folks at Louisiana fish fry I don't know if y'all have used this in your crawfish uh boils yet but I started using these last year they're called boil boosters no and yeah I've got a couple of these will be used I I got these at the end of last year and just have them left over they will be used this weekend uh this one is called herbal overload and it just has

(37:56) all kinds of garlic stuff like that and this one is just straight up mashed garlic oh wow dude just to add that so I just just hit it huh like yeah it's a salt free salt free seasoning blend uh these things are absolutely incredible and and Louisiana is not a sponsor of this show but I'm a million percent that is what I love to use that's the United States that showed the the salt free because that's a big thing too you can't over salt you want to add enough seasoning but you can't oh yeah

(38:31) they're bitter you don't want them and you know you have those Seasons surely but you can definitely over season as well you could over say it gets tricky once you if you're using a single pot and you cook more than two sacks it starts to get a little tricky on sack three and seven got to be careful because you got to be careful yeah the you want to add a whole another four and a half pounds of seasoning to it and ultimately you'll just get your water too damn salty so you have to find other

(39:00) ways to compensate with it my my crawfish typically the last batch that I make they're the hottest they're the spiciest and they are easily the saltiest of course yes as well because you know but I've found some ways to manage that and to manipulate it we'll see if we'll see if the bull boss might might change that some you know too the boil ball sounds like it could absolutely change it and these boil boosters have been huge yeah because I haven't lost the flavor of everything without adding salt yeah yeah yeah yeah

(39:34) without adding salt what I'll just do is I'll add like a cup of cayenne to it oh bam let me hit you with a cup of cayenne let me hit you with another little eight ounces of crab boil boom boom yeah now you don't get the seasoning you don't get all that salt from it so I mean either way I'm gonna swell up the next day foreign

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